Winscombe have recorded some great wins in The Over 60’s League (now Over 55’s) – 2010 – 2023


Wilf had the honour of presenting the Cup to Les Baldwin this year’s Captain. A great end to Winscombe’s season .

The Over 60’s won the Knockout Cup for the 2nd successive year at Ashcombe beating St Andrews by no less than 49 shots. On a dull but thankful rain free afternoon the match was never in doubt .After just 4 ends Winscombe shot into a 10 shot lead and built steadily on it to be leading by 40 shots after 10 ends.
This more than compensated for Winscombe’s loss last week at St Andrews in the league.
Chairman of the Weston & District Over 60’s League this year is Wilf Ainsworth who was the Winscombe winning captain last year.

Side L:R
Reg Birmingham, Mike Nash,Wilf Ainsworth,Tony Watts, Robin Lowman,Tony Dudley, Ronnie Wootten, Geoff Coombe, Ken Whatling, Gerald Lloyd, Tom Ellis, Mike Adams, Capt John Sprouting, Bob Kibble,Tony Uccellini, Lew Collier,Paul Fredersdorff, John Smith, Graham Neville
2015 -2016

Winners of Weston & District Over 60’s Cup and League Champions 2017

Team includes:
Back Row: Paul Fredersdorff, Mike Adams, Dave Johnson, Mike Nash, Ken Whatling ,Peter John, David Peakall
Middle Row: John Sprouting,Reg Birmingham, Robin Lowman,Graham Neville, Geoff Coombe, Tom Ellis,Gerald Lloyd, Rob Lacy
Front Row: Bob Kibble,Paul Hopes,Dave Brown,Lew Collier (Capt), Mike Fletcher,Wilf Ainsworth
(Also played in The League and Cup: Bill Andrews,Brian Paul,Tony Dudley,Peter Cast,Roy Fisher,Malcolm Hunter,Roger Knight,Robin Lowis,Mike Newing,Colin Westlake,Bob Weller)

Very Happy Captain – Lew Collier
Weston and District Over 60’s League Knock Out Cup Final 2018- We win again!
Winscombe won the KO Cup for a third successive year. They ‘did the double’ last year winning both the league and the Cup.
This year they have had to settle for second place in the league which they secured on the same day as The Cup Final . Clarence failed by just one point to overhaul them in their last match of the season.
The Cup Final match between Isle of Wedmore and Winscombe ended up with a victory for Winscombe by 101 – 75 in somewhat cloudy and at times damp conditions.

Back row: M Adams,T Ellis,R Lacy,M Sprouting,M Nash,D Brown,G Coombe,P John ,M Newing, D Peakall
Front: R Lowman,W Ainsworth,B Paul,P Fredersdorff,L Collier (capt),M Newing,G Lloyd,M Fletcher,K Whatling

2023 - Now Over 55's KO Cup

Weston & District Over 55s Knock Out Cup Final at Victoria BC on Wednesday 13th September 2023.
What a match. The lead switched back and forth between the sides , at one time it looked like The Vic would win but Winscombe rallied and in the end everyone around the green were counting up the individual rink scores:
Winscombe 95 v Victoria Saxons 94:Greg Keenan D Peakall T Watts 12-20;J Sprouting R Lacy T Ellis 27-6; D Brown W Andrews G Coombe 14-18; D Johnson B Paul G Neville 10-23;C Greenwood C Bryant M Smart 16-18;A Rows D Tape M Adams 16-9 reserve: Bob Kibble.
Great wins for Tom Ellis and Mike Adams rinks. It was close – very close. The final result was a win for Winscombe by just ONE shot!
Victoria Saxons had home green advantage and the knowledge that they were Division One Champions . Winscombe were third in the league. But this was a Cup Final. Everyone was up for the match particularly as Winscombe and The Vic are very good friends.
The Vics home advantage was very lucky as the Final Venue is decided on alphabetical order of clubs in the league. Winscombe will host the final next year!
After the game players joined together and enjoyed a drink and some food provided by the Weston Over 55s Committee. Secretary Cliff Chudley and Chairman Wilf Ainsworth congratulated the winners and Cliff ( a Vic member) pointed out The Vic had won 4 rinks to two. Chairman Wilf ( a Winscombe member) presented the cup to Winscombe captain Geoff Coombe who thanked all players and supporters especially our travelling reserve Bob Kibble.
Another great day for Winscombe who have had a great year securing promotion to the county premier league and winning the KO Cup